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    Manage test cases using the Zephyr tool - Jira tutorial

    Most of the testing teams have thousands of tests. Managing these tests, updating tests as per execution, and getting execution reports are headaches with most of the conventional tools. Zephyr is a trending test management tool that easily integrates with Jira. As most of the teams use Jira as a bug management tool it is easy to link test cases with existing bugs. With Zephyr, one can - 

    • Create tests - one can create folders and organize tests, user can put detailed test steps in the tests
    • Create tests in bulk
    • Create test cycles and execute them 
    • Get test progress reports 
    • Link Jira bugs with tests 
    I've created a YouTube tutorial below on the "Software Testing Tips and Tricks" channel that dives into the detailed demo of the Zephyr tool. 

    So Zephyr is one of the fast and reliable tool for the test management. It is made for QA only so it is easy to use. Also, it is a secure and reliable tool to manage the test cases. 

    There are plenty of other test management tools available as well. All have their own advantages and disadvantages. Which test case management tool are you using currently? 

    If you have any doubts or suggestions feel free to reach out on social media. Follow Us on RedditFacebook, and Twitter. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel -> Youtube channel. Thank You

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